Limiting beliefs
As we uncover who we really are, the patterns from our childhoods and life experiences that restrict us or cause us to protect, are revealed. The beauty about shining a light on these energy patterns is that they are like inner bullies and will control us until we face them and free ourselves from them. They keep us in a place of fear and restriction and limit our expression in life.

The Healing Power of Forgiveness
Let's choose love and forgiveness over fear and restriction Ghandi wrote that "Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first sign of self-giving love." True healing occurs when we have the courage to be present with all aspects of ourselves and go through the processes required to come back to wholeness.

The Vulnerable Journey of the Courageous Heart
The conscious journey towards internal freedom is a vulnerable one because it calls for us to open up around our pain, both old and new, so we can live open hearted lives.