The Vulnerable Journey of the Courageous Heart
In each moment of our lives we have a choice of whether to shut down and protect or open up our hearts. This is not often easy especially in painful times. The natural tendency is to resort to our old patterns of protection when we feel pain or even the threat of it. This can play out in the polarities of life. We sometimes tend to drown in the painful emotions or suppress them and move forward without allowing ourselves to feel. Accessing courage at these times can give us the opportunity to heal the old patterns so ingrained deep within us. In our subconscious minds we make decisions to never allow ourselves to experience pain again and we begin the process of shutting down our hearts behind protective coverings. The conscious journey towards internal freedom is a vulnerable one because it calls for us to open up around our pain, both old and new, so we can live open hearted lives.
The intuitive open heart often knows things before our intellectuals minds catch on. I believe so strongly in living life trusting in that inner guidance as you all know. This practice does not keep us from feeling pain, quite the contrary. It is often more deeply painful to live this way at times because you are not suppressing your feelings. The promise of it is that we can experience a freedom within ourselves no matter what is happening in our lives. It is this promise and the commitment to move through life's experiences present and open that allows me to trust that each life experience even the painful ones are an integral part of my unfolding. Can you allow yourself to move through your emotions to the Beauty of your Spirit and trust in your own deep wisdom. I want to.