I’ll help guide you and your team towards your vision of success, developing powerful leadership and a strong community. We’ll let mindfulness lead us as we...
• What are the unspoken cultural issues within your organization?
• What relational or communication problems are present?
• What personal challenges are impacting performance?
• Develop personal awareness and emotional intelligence
• Expand capacity for deep listening
• Change neural pathways of limitation and reactivity
• Develop ongoing practices for productive collaboration and problem-solving
• Increase integrity, respect and trust within the team
• Promote organizational alignment and profitability
Struggling to reach the next level of success in your business?
If your team isn’t getting along, if people can’t show up as their best selves or if key players aren’t living up to your cultural values, you’re bound to feel held back.
Success demands alignment, and your company’s profitability depends on your people. But people bring challenges, and effective communication takes much work. Some days success may feel elusive.
Perhaps there’s a different path...
Hard work and hustle are corporate norms. But without balance, forcing forward could be holding you back. When you pause and listen inside instead of pushing through, new possibilities emerge.
Authentic relationships. Courageous conversations. High levels of engagement, collaboration and partnership.
What if these could be everyday realities in your company? What would your team be able to achieve? Imagine the impact — the conscious community and increased profits.
I work directly with CEOs Founders Upper Management to develop communication skills and develop their management skills become the best manager - make money by bringing the best out of your people
• Weekly Meditation & mindfulness class
• Work with leadership team to teach communication and leadership skills
• Monthly workshop team works on conscious communication skills
• Availability for employees to receive individual support
• Work with leadership team to develop healthy culture to improve retention & profitability
The format is dictated by your specific business needs. Some companies kick off with a multi-day workshop, involving the full team. Others prefer to begin with a focus on key leaders.
Whatever the format, we work to create more mindful communication within your organization and address your particular business objectives.
This approach is a good fit for leaders looking to create...
• fundamental change at the core of their organization
• true alignment with their cultural values
• sustainable change that moves beyond willpower alone
• healthy dynamics between their team members
No, this is not an employee wellness program focused on stress management. While we may touch on the wellbeing of individual team members, our focus is on creating positive organizational change through powerful communication.
This work can help with…
• Team conflicts-- need for greater collaboration, mutual support
• Communication gaps among leaders and team members -- lack of transparency, trust, vulnerability
• Personal patterns that become professional roadblocks -- self-doubt, indecision, inefficiency, overwork, reactivity
We’ll get to the heart of these issues and implement practices to create a healthy, cooperative environment.