Energy Medicine for Your Mind, Body and Soul

Whether you’re seeking peaceful Relationships, more freedom in your life, or greater success in your business, mindfulness can help you

My role is to hold space and help you create what you desire


Marion will hold a safe and sacred space and through deep listening will help you uncover whatever is keeping you from a joyful successful life. The space will allow you to feel your emotions and find healing through them. 


These workshops are designed for a deeper dive into your true Self. Awaken to who you really are. Awake to what’s blocking you from moving forward. Awaken to what you truly want. Go on a journey of discovering and uncovering or reveal the essential YOU.


Learn the practice of mindful meditation, returning your attention to the present moment over and over to train the mind to rest in awareness. The session will include poetry and sound vibration with the crystal bowls. 


    “Every time I leave a Marion Light session, I walk away with more clarity, more insights, and more tools for approaching and handling life. Her sessions have walked me through some intensely painful moments in my life.” —J.B.


    “Marion has forever changed the course of my life… She helped me find the strength to be who I am and to love that person with my whole self. She taught me emotional intelligence, the power of being totally vulnerable, and how to be confident in who I really am - a sensitive, loving, ambitious leader. As a result, I am now happily married, a successful business executive, and overall living a life I am proud to live.” —B.L.


    “Marion has been instrumental in helping me navigate the challenges of life, process my emotions, and trust myself. Her ability to hold space is a gift, and I’m grateful for her empowering posture.” —C.P.


    “Working with Marion is a transformative experience. I walk into her office feeling distraught, confused, or helpless, and I walk out feeling calm, confident, and clear. I have seen her for relationship issues, work challenges, and depression. Her peaceful presence helps me feel immediately at home and safe to open up and explore the issues at hand. Her reliable practice combines talk therapy with bodywork and is the most effective I have experienced. I have been seeing her for almost 7 years now, and I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance, healing or transformation.” —K.H.


    “It was not until I went to see Marion that my life changed. From the first session I got an enormous amount of relief that I had not felt in years.” — M.C.